Category Archives: news

World peace breaking out?

“Armed conflict has declined in large part because armed conflict has fundamentally changed,”  writes Joshua Goldstein in Foreign Policy this month.

“Today’s asymmetrical guerrilla wars may be intractable and nasty, but they will never produce anything like the siege of Leningrad.”

We hope.

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Peace Studies at the Governor’s School Summer 2011

RU professors Alan Forrest and Ann Mary Roberts  have had “a most amazing journey”  teaching the Governor’s school students peace studies and conflict resolution.

“These students have been enthusiastic and diligent at trying to understand all the complexities of our world that keep us from moving towards a more peaceful state, internally, locally, nationally and globally,” said Prof. Roberts.

The students co-constructed the course and the goal was to answer two things…
1.      To what extent is peace possible?
2.      What actions might you take to further the cause of peace?( how will you become a peaceful warrior?)
Students decided on their culminating project in which they have to answer the above questions.

One of their ideas was to take this photo, Roberts said.